Dec 1, 2023

How to avoid moving injuries

How to avoid moving injuries

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If you are planning an upcoming relocation, your health and safety should be a priority. Moving injuries can happen more often than one may think.In order to avoid moving injuries and enjoy a stress-free move, you will have to prepare in advance. This is why you should take a look at some of the following tips and tricks to help you stay healthy and stress-free while moving.

What are the most common types of moving injuries?

A moving process is not something to be taken lightly. Even the least complicated moving days can become full of trouble in a few hours. Handling heavy inventory, carrying, and loading it into the moving truck can be physically demanding. Lack of preparation andbad planning are some of the most common causes of moving injuries. In order to enjoy a healthy and stress-free moving day, you will have to avoid moving injuries. Here are some of the most common ones that can occur: Strained back, sprained ankle, cuts, and bruises, knee injuries, other (more serious) injuries. You can start by eating healthy meals.

Woman preparing healthy food in order to have strength and avoid moving injuries.

Make sure to have a good night of quality sleep before the moving day. Preparing some snacks and healthy meals in advance can also be a great idea.If you want to avoid moving injuries, you will need to plan your moving day carefully. Every task related to your inventory should be planned in advance. Also, a good night of sleep and eating healthy will be of great help, too. Here are some steps you should take in order to avoid moving injuries.

Get quality packing supplies

The way you pack your inventory will have a lot to do with your safety on a moving day. For once, the last thing you need is for your moving boxes to break, open, and cause damage to your inventory. This is why you should get quality supplies for your inventory, no matter how far you plan to move. Standard cardboard boxes should work just fine, especially for common household objects. However, you should also consider storage bin rentals, since these packing solutions are way safer. By choosing bins instead of standard moving boxes, you will pack much more efficiently. Besides being eco-friendly, storage bins are also sturdier and can carry more weight.

Organize the packing process

Since handling inventory the right way is the best way to avoid moving injuries, you will have to organize this process step-by-step. First, you need to make an inventory list and decide which items you can and want to move. Make a list of all the sensitive items and possible packing solutions. After you get the right packing supplies, you will need to make sure to protect fragile items. Some of the items that are made out of glass, but also the ones which are bulky and oversized can be hard to handle on a moving day. If you pack them the right way, you will avoid possible cuts and back strain while carrying them.

Prepare for the moving day

No matter how efficiently you pack, you will still have to go through the moving day and avoid injuries. There are things you should keep in mind more than others and we will explain them.

Glass shards.

After the packing process is over, there could be some small nails, shards of glass and other sharp objects left on the floor.First of all, you must pack a necessity bag. Whether you are moving locally or long distance, you should have all of your necessities close by. For the moving day, pack important documents, a first-aid kit, some cash, and extra clothes. Here is what you should also do.

  • Talk to your movers about the moving plan. This is important for many reasons. In order to avoid moving injuries, you should know how your movers plan to organize the moving day timeline. Also, make sure to stay out of their way when handling heavy objects like furniture and bigger home appliances.
  • Check if all of your inventory is secure for transportation. If there are some lose moving boxes, put another layer of packing tape. Also, don't forget to label your moving boxes, especially the ones with the fragile inventory. Quality moving bins could be the best solution for packing fragile and irregular-shaped items.
  • Prepare some snacks and refreshments. In order to stay healthy on a moving day, you should have some energy boosters at all times.
  • Set aside extra clothes you could change into. Feeling refreshed and comfortable on a moving day will help you big time.
  • Clean your home, especially the floor area. After the packing process is over, there could be some small nails, shards of glass and other sharp objects left on the floor. Before your movers come, make sure to clean your floors and clear out space in your home.

Choose the right clothes for the moving day

Even though it seems unnecessary to say, wearing the right type of clothes on your moving day will help you avoid moving injuries. What you should prepare are some comfortable pieces you feel good wearing. You should avoid synthetic materials like polyester since they are not the most comfortable to wear during a stressful moving day. Besides, wearing proper shoes will help you avoid moving injuries, too. Choosing sneakers or working boots is always a good solution. On the other hand, make sure to avoid flip-flops and open-toe shoes.

White sneakers.

Even though it seems unnecessary to say, wearing the right type of clothes on your moving day will help you avoid moving injuries.

How to avoid injuries on a moving day?

No matter the size and nature of your move, you should make sure to stay healthy while moving in 2020. With all the complications you can stumble upon, there is an easy way to feel energized and focused while moving. Make sure to have a good night of sleep before the moving day. Preparing some snacks and healthy meals in advance can also be a great idea. It the end, the best way to avoid moving injuries is to stay focused and have a lot of energy during this day.