Dec 1, 2023

Most popular packing hacks that really work

Most popular packing hacks that really work

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Green Box | Capital City Bins

You no longer need to worry about the challenging tasks when it comes to packing and organizing your moving process. With our premium plastic moving bins and green storage bins, this is no longer a concern.

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Every packing process deserves special attention. It's not easy to do. You need to pay attention to every aspect. From the safety of all the possessions to how easy are they to handle once packed. There is also the importance of the system. If you do stuff systematically, it will be far easier to do it. So, if you encounter any kind of problem, you can always pull a trick out of your sleeve. Learn some popular packing hacks that really work and use them. They will shorten the amount of time you put into the packing as well as the price.You can always get away with a cheaper process if you are smart enough. All the hacks you are about to learn are designed to help you and make it easier to pack all the stuff you have, to prepare for a move. So, find the best supplies and the best way you can use them with this useful guide.

Boxes are the basics so they must be of high quality

So, most of your stuff will be placed into boxes before they are transported or stored. It's not one of the popular packing hacks that really work, it's literally a rule. You need to buy good large plastic moving boxes. Try not to care too much about the money since this investment will be really important for how the move goes. You need firm boxes because you need them to stay in shape. As long as you get plastic ones they'll do the job. Another reason why them being plastic helps is that it prevents mold to enter the boxes. It's a much safer way to store or transport stuff.Also, try to get as many sizes as you can. Different sizes will fit different purposes and you'll be able to use them for all kinds of possessions you are about to store. Not to mention that you will easily reuse them once they do the job they've been bought for. You can keep them in the attic until the next relocation or until you find some other suitable purpose for them.

Clothes hangers are hanging on the wall.

Leaving your clothes on a hanger is among some popular packing hacks that really work.

Buying colored boxes is among popular packing hacks that really work

If you plan on moving a lot of stuff, this is a really useful one. You can go to moving bin rental and get any color you want. Different colors can represent different rooms or different types of items you are moving. For example, you can put all of the living room stuff into blue boxes. All the red boxes are reserved for the kitchen. You get the point. It can be really useful for quickly transporting stuff and it's easy to quickly decide which box goes where during the relocation.

Take pictures of your stuff on bins and boxes before the move

You can move your stuff in cheap plastic bins for moving or in big hard plastic boxes, it's up to you to decide. However, don't forget to take pictures of the stuff before the move begins or before you store it all in a storage unit. That way you will have evidence that you've put all your stuff in the boxes. You can actually make a moving company much more accountable by doing that.The second reason is the unpacking process. If you take pictures of your boxes and green storage containers in different rooms, you'll know which box goes to which room. Or you can take pictures of the content of the boxes. It can also be really helpful during the unpacking. It's relatively simple among popular packing hacks that really work but it can come in quite handy.

Wrap your clothes in garbage bags

A lot of people try to put their clothes in big plastic boxes to protect them from mold. It's an understandable decision but you can do it in a much easier manner if you follow these steps. Among popular packing hacks that really work, this one is really popular. You don't have to waste time packing your clothes. You can just wrap them around using garbage bags while they are still hanging on the hangers. That way your clothes will be thoroughly protected and you'll have a lot of time to deal with other moving stuff. Not to mention the fact you'll save a lot of your money by doing so.

A woman is taking a picture of her clothes.

Taking pictures of your clothes can be a really good way to additionally protect your possessions.

Use soft items to make sure there is no room left in the boxes or other empty space

For example, you can fill all the empty space inside the boxes with toilet paper rolls. It's really easy and cheap and you can use the rolls afterward once the relocation is over. A lot of people like to buy moving supplies specially designed for such situations but it's just not necessary. Another good hack among popular packing hacks that really work is to use cotton balls to protect your makeup compacts so they don't break. It's really useful and if you have any makeup this hack will really come in handy.

Wrap all the breakable dishes in your shirts

If you have stuff like china or any kind of dishes you are emotionally attached to you will probably want to pay extra attention when transporting your dishes. Popular packing hacks that really work are mostly used for clothes and boxes, but there are some hacks you can use while dealing with dishes as well. It would probably be ideal to use old clothes to protect your glassware, but if you don't have them, the clothes you wear every day will do the work. It is a really good way to protect your stuff from any kind of damage.

Several plates are stacked on top of each other.

If plates aren't protected well, they get damaged during the relocation most of the time.

Cut handles into the cardboard boxes

It's always much better to use big, plastic boxes if you can, but sometimes cardboard boxes can do the job as well. However, cardboard boxes often don't have handles on them. That's why cutting handles into them is among popular packing hacks that really work. Just use a knife or some other similar sharp item and you're good to go.