Dec 1, 2023

Should you move out while renovating?

Should you move out while renovating?

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There are many reasons to renovate your home. You can update and refresh your space and increase the value of your home by renovating. Also, it is an excellent way to extend your home to accommodate your growing family. Whatever the reason, renovating rather than moving altogether is often the ideal solution. But choosing to have large-scale extension or renovation work done on your home can be expensive and arduous. It also raises an important issue – should you move out while renovating or stay in? Here at Capital City Bins we have composed a list of the most important pros and cons of moving out during renovation to help you decide.

Advantages of moving out while renovating

A home under renovation can be anunsafe and unhealthy environment. Dust gets everywhere. Building materials, ladders, tools and debris are scattered all over the renovation area. Hammering and drilling is very disturbing. Controlling room temperature may be impossible. Also, it is extremely dangerous for kids and pets to be around a construction site. Therefore, you'll likely want to move out, at least during the build stage of the renovation. By doing that you will keep your quality of life and ability to function as a family. There is no stress of living on a building site without access to everyday amenities. You don't have to worry about all the risks for your health and safety we mentioned. You children and pets can enjoy a safe environment.

Situation when you move out while renovating

When you move out while renovating, the work can be done more quickly and efficientlyMoving out will help to optimize the efficiency and accelerate the timeframe of your renovation. If you want to remodel both bathrooms in your home, if no one is home, both bathrooms can be remodeled at the same time. That will cut the timeline of the project in half! Reason enough to get some green moving supplies and plan your moving out strategy.As far as financial implications go, when you decide to stay in your house the renovation will take longer as your contractor will have to work around your schedule. That is extra time you’re paying for. The construction crew will not be as efficient as they would be in an unoccupied home. Besides, charges tend to be higher for remodeling projects where homeowners decide to stay. There are additional costs for site protection and daily cleanup. So, if you choose to move out while remodeling, that decision may actually be the cheaper one.

Disadvantages of choosing to move out while renovating

The biggest disadvantage of moving out whilst your home is being renovated is is that you are not on-site to answer any questions. You are not there to closely monitor the progress of the work being carried out and deal with problems as they arise, and they inevitably will. Also you will not have to pay for the costs of temporary accommodation as well as moving and storage costs if you decide to stay in while renovating. However, those costs can actually add up to be less than the costs of living in your house while renovating, so keep that in mind when weighing your options.

The right decision for you

Renovation works on a smaller scale allow for homeowners to stay in their homes in the course of the remodel. If you decide to stay, we have some tips on how to stay organized during the renovation. If, however, you are are having major extension or renovation work done on your home, weighing the pros and cons we mentioned will probably lead you to the decision to move out while remodeling. All in all, moving out during bigger renovations can save you time, money, and a lot of stress. Organizing a temporary move can be demanding, but Capital City Bins has the experience to help make this disruptive time simpler.

man with plastic moving box on his head

Plastic boxes are the sustainable choice for packing and storing items

How to successfully move out while remodeling

If you make the decision to move out during your home remodel, these are the things you need to take care of.

  1. Arrange for temporary accommodation - Staying with family for a while is a good option. But if the renovation project will take more than a couple of months, or you have a large family and pets, temporary rental homes are your best option. You might be unable to pick up your mail on a regular basis from your house during its renovation. In that case, be sure to request forwarding mail service.
  2. Declutter - A temporary move can be an excellent opportunity to go through your belongings. Disposing of one box of non-essential items means one less box to pack, unpack in a temporary space and then repack, unpack again, and organize when you move back. You can discard unwanted items by donating them, giving them away, selling them or recycling them.
  3. Store everything you can in a room in your home that won’t be affected by the renovation. This should be a room that can to be safely locked and tightly sealed against dust.
  4. Decide what to take to your temporary lodgings – Check what’s already available there and decide what else you'll need. Choose to go sustainable and pack the items in reusable moving totes to protect them from moisture, dust and any kind of damage.
  5. Visit your home once or twice a week - Monitor the progress of the renovation and ensure everything is going according to plan. Be in communication with your contractor the entire time, so you can answer questions and discuss issues as they appear.
A beautiful two story house

Keep in mind that when the renovation is over you will be living in your dream home

Keep your goal in sight

Whether you choose to move out while renovating or not, try not to stress to much about it. Whenever things feel a little to strenuous, imagine the outcome you are hoping to achieve. Take a look at the construction plans or photographs of new furniture and keep that picture in mind. It will help you go through the process easier. Try to stay as calm as possible. Home renovation is inconvenient and expensive but at the end of the day remember your goal – a more beautiful, comfortable and cozy home for you and your family.