Dec 1, 2023

Tips for keeping your closet organized

Tips for keeping your closet organized

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Most of us nowadays have busy lives and rarely have time to organize our timetable for a day, let alone our closets. That’s why it can be a real nightmare when the time comes for spring cleaning. You can find yourself trying to sort out the mess which has been accumulating for years. To add to this, you often have a very short period to do this. Furthermore, to make sure you're at your best in all aspects of your life, including work, relationships, and health, it is a good idea to keep your home as tidy as possible anyway. The thought of having to rearrange closet space can be overwhelming. That's why you should read these tips for keeping your closet organized. You have decided that the time has come to make some changes in your living space, now what?

First, you need to get some supplies in order to declutter your closet

The first thing you should do is make sure you have everything you need. Before you even approach your closet with the intent of rearranging it, try to think ahead. You’re going to need some supplies. Nowadays it’s easy to get everything you might need online. Plastic wardrobe boxes for moving will make your life easier. The things that will also come in handy when organizing your closet are wrapping paper, baskets, and duck tape. But don’t stop there. If there is anything else you think you need, don’t be afraid to get creative. You decide on what works for you.

Supplies to help you in keeping your closet organized

You are going to need some packing and storage supplies to help you in keeping your closet organized

Make a plan for keeping your closet organized

While preparing for the task ahead of you, make sure to keep your goal in mind. Getting the right supplies is important. Try not to go overboard, however. It is always a good idea to rent things you won’t be using again soon. Don’t buy all of your moving supplies. It’s a waste of money and space. You probably won’t be needing it long-term. If you live in a big city like New York you can rent moving bins for example. You don’t want to further clutter your home with unnecessary items.In order to keep your closet as organized as possible, try to follow these easy steps:

  • Empty your closet
  • Measure your closet space
  • Sort out your things
  • Decide on what to keep and what to throw away
  • Make alterations where they are needed
  • Clean your closet thoroughly
  • Make sure you leave room for creativity

Get rid of the mess in your closet

You should start with emptying your closet. Put every piece of clothing out and empty all the shelves. The first step is to clean your closet thoroughly. Make sure you take care of all those hard-to-reach spaces. Give them a thorough scrubbing. You must remain vigilant during the process. Make sure your clothing doesn’t get dirty while you’re rearranging your closet.

Empty closet

Start by emptying your closet and seeing all the opportunities to pack your things correctly

Be organized as you organize your closet

Emptying your closet space will also give you an estimate on how much packing you have to do. Decide on clothes that are appropriate for your current style – and the current season. You should put away of everything that doesn’t fit in. It is easier to do this if you create a system. Divide your clothes into two piles. One pile should be stuff to keep in the closet. This pile should contain things you need every day you should keep handy Clothes and shoes you wear every day. Work costumes and business suits, jogging clothes and those comfy sweatpants should remain where they were. No one said you have to get rid of everything. You should try to be reasonable, however. Try not to hang on to clothes you rarely have an opportunity to wear.Another pile could be stuff to move to storage. You have to be honest with yourself. You don’t need everything that’s in your closet. Everyone has some things at the back of their closet that they seldom wear. We hold on to them out of habit and they just clutter our spaces. You have a tough decision to make. Some of it just has to go to storage. Clothes that are not a part of your monthly routine will be better off not cluttering your space. Take comfort in the fact that you’re not throwing it away. It will still be there when you need it. Furthermore, you can get creative with your hidden storage space. An idea can’t be bad if it works for you.

Appearance is everything

Once you have decided on what to keep, try to organize your closet space so you get the most out of it. Don’t forget to take advantage of vertical spaces! You will have more space at the bottom of your closet and it will look neater. Your home might be clean and put together now. Make sure the rest of your surroundings is, too! One thing you should always keep in mind is the environment. Your goal of maintaining your closet organized is no easy endeavor. Don’t let it be a burden to others as well. Try to be organized while organizing.make sure you dispose of packing supplies properly. Throw away everything you have further need for in the right place. Recycle everything that can be reused. You should also think about donating old clothes instead of throwing them away.

girl getting clothes

Organize your closet from top to bottom and get rid of all excess clothes once for all

Maintaining your closet organized will get easier

Once you’ve learned how to keeping your closet organized can benefit you - you won’t have to worry about clutter in your home again. You’ll see that it won’t be as stressful the next time as you already have a clear plan in your mind. Remember to take a breather if it gets overwhelming.