Dec 1, 2023

When is the cheapest time to relocate

When is the cheapest time to relocate

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Every relocation brings a lot of stress, but it also can come with an expensive bill at the end. When you add up all the moving costs, you will need to set aside a significant budget to cover them. Still, there are some ways that you can save some money on your move. One of the most effective ones is to choose the perfect date and time for your moving day. Capital City Bins helps you learn when is the cheapest time to relocate.

Determine the moving day according to the cheapest time to relocate

Actual date and time of your move is something that you have to determine carefully. Not only for the logistical aspect but also from the financial one. The cheapest time to relocate maybe isn't the most suitable time for you, but when you see how much money that can save you,you may consider adjusting your schedule. When determining the moving day, you should take these features into consideration:

  • Time of the year
  • Time of the month
  • Day of the week
  • Time of day

Each of these features affects the moving costs. Choosing the wrong "when" can cost you more than it really needs. It will be a real shame to lose hard-earned dollars just because you didn't know when is the cheapest time to relocate.

Time of the year

Moving industry has its yearly peek and the slow months. With the blossoming of the first spring flowers starts the moving season that lasts until the autumn. Yes, the season when you plan to move can greatly affect your moving budget.


While the spring marks the beginning of the moving seasons, its early months aren't so busy. You have time until the middle of May to find great deals that can help you reduce your moving costs. In the months of March and April, the moving companies still have their winter rates.They usually don't raise their quotes and are more flexible for your demands. You can find excellent, yet very affordable movers in this period of the year. Better yet, the weather is excellent for the relocation. Mild temperatures and dry roads are a perfect combination for the easier move.

Children entering the school bus

However, the school is still in session at this time, so it's inconvenient when moving with children or if you're in college.


Summer is the time when the moving season reaches its peak. Due to hot weather and slimmer chances of raining, many decide to move during the warm months. The busiest months in the moving industry starts from the middle of Jun and last until the end of August. The school is off, and most people have time off work at this time.This is the period of the year when moving companies are slammed with a relocation request, which gives them the leverage to boost their prices and moving rates. Summer is definitely the most expensive season to relocate. While this may be the most suitable period for you to move, avoid it if possible. Especially if you have a tight moving budget and you need to make the best use of every penny.


In most states, the most pleasant months of the years are from September through November. When the leaves start to fall, so does the number of the moves.With that, the rates of the moving companies are getting lower too. You will be able to find many discounts and cheaper moving services. Also, you will have time to settle in and welcome the holidays at your new home.

Winter is the cheapest time to relocate

The prices of the moving services are much lower in the cold months. There's no doubt that winter is the cheapest time to relocate since the rates of the movers are even more than 50% off. That gives you the opportunity to hire the best movers in the area and have high-quality relocation with very low costs.

Snowed in road - winter is the most dangerous, but also the cheapest time to relocate.

However, that effort can be really rewarding after relocation when you realize that you've cut your moving costs in half.Only the bravest ones and the one that really needs to save a few bucks will dare to relocate on such harsh weather condition. Moving in the winter maybe is the cheapest time to relocate, but it certainly not the safest one. Quite the contrary, in fact. You will have to work twice harder when protecting your belongings from snow, and freezing temperatures.

Time of the month

Since leases for housing typically start at the beginning or at the end of the month, this is the worst time to schedule your move. Mid-month isn't that busy, and that's why it is the cheapest time to move. Plan your moving day between the 11. and 20. day of the month and your piggy bank will be fuller.

Pick the right day of the week

The weekend is the logical time to move since you're free of work. That is true, but it is also the most expensive time in the week that you can choose for your relocation. Moving between Monday and Thursday will be most beneficial to your valet.


Pick the workday for your relocation.Avoiding Friday is also a great idea. Many people like to go on the weekend holiday after they finish work on Friday, so this is the day when the traffic jams are the most intense. Also, since most people are moving on Sunday, the movers will be very reluctant to fulfill your requests.

The cheapest time to relocate during the day

When relocation is in question, the early bird doesn't get the worm. Actually, the evening moves are the most cost-effective ones. There are no rush hours, much fewer vehicles and people on the streets.You can transport your belongings to your new home much quicker, no matter are you moving long distance or just around the block. In the big cities with a lot of traffic, you can easily find reliable movers that work 24/7.